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Hampshire House offers curated seasonal celebrations and special events.

Four Handed Illusions

An Intimate Evening of Laughs and Wonder

Illusionists Joel Acevedo and Steve Kradolfer join their talents in a performance that is engaging, funny and mystifying. As one of only 50 guests you will surely experience the magic just a few feet from your eyes. Add the elegance and sophistication of the Hampshire House and the result is an unforgettable event. A unique combination of intelligent comedy and amazing magic that you won't want to miss. FHI has been running for 10 years and it is currently Boston's highest-rated show.

Dress Code: Cocktail Attire.

Drinks available for purchase during cocktail reception (40 mins before show time).

Upcoming Shows:

January 31 

February 1

February 15 

February 16

February 21 

February 22

February 28

March 1 

March 2

March 22

March 29

March 30
